• Swim Banner

    Swim Application

Enjoy our pool, tennis court, and clubhouse with our Swim & Tennis Memberships. Swim membership begins Memorial Day weekend and ends Labor Day weekend. Tennis memberships begin May 1st and go to the end of October. There is no monthly food minimum or initiation fee with this membership.

Swim 2024 Membership Application Form

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Children: The children who qualify as dependents on your membership must be 19 yrs old or younger. They must be able to be claimed on your taxes.

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For the immediate family, who reside in the same household there is a $10 per child fee for each additional family member past six.

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One pass per family membership.

Please let us know your name.
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Please let us know your email address.
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Children: The children who qualify as dependents on your membership must be 19 yrs old or younger. They must be able to be claimed on your taxes.

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Grandchildren are only eligible to be dependants if you are their legal guardian. (We will need paperwork at the time of payment)

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All monthly statements will be e-mailed electronically unless paper statements are specifically requested.

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6855 Sloebig Road
Middletown, OH 45042

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Call us

Golf Shop: 513-423-9401
Events: 513-423-6291

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Hours Of Operation

Mon - Sun: 9:00AM – 4:30PM

Join Our Email Club
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